The CSRP offers part-time internships for undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University of St. Andrews interested in gaining practical experience in research, writing, and planning within the inter-disciplinary study of religion and politics.
Interns may participate in a variety of activities, including research, writing, and organizing meetings and events that support the goals of the CSRP, particularly the research groups they are related to.
Working papers – past interns

Mario I. Aguilar and Therese Rudebeck, ‘Terrorist Reporting in the Swedish Media: Reinforcing an Oriental/Occidental Division?’ Series Current Issues in Religion and Politics volume I – Working Papers of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics (CSRP), University of St. Andrews. St. Andrews: CSRP and Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2011. Rudebeck 2011 (PDF, 234 KB)

Mario I. Aguilar (ed.) and Iben Merrild. Female Genital Mutilation in the Sudan: The Complexities of Eradication. Series Current Issues in Religion and Politics volume II – Working Papers of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics (CSRP), University of St. Andrews. St. Andrews: CSRP and Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2011. Merrild 2011 (PDF, 206 KB)

Mario I. Aguilar and Hannah Smith. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Vatican: Prospects for Rapprochement. Series Current Issues in Religion and Politics volume III – Working Papers of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics (CSRP), University of St. Andrews. St. Andrews: CSRP and Santiago, London and New York: Fundación Literaria Civilización, 2011. Smith 2011 (PDF, 211 KB)
International Network of Liberation Theology and Interreligious Dialogue